



Photo by Etienne Boulanger on UnsplashPhoto by Etienne Boulanger on Unsplash

Web Presence and Publishing

If you are looking to build or enhance your website, or you are a web publisher, we can help. From CMS's to blogs and more, we can help you get you website up and running and ready for traffic. We'll make sure your website is optimized for SEO, capable of scaling to meet traffic, and is secure against outside threats to your business and your customers.

If you don't have a hosting solution, we can help you set one up. We can even manage the hosting for you so you don't need to think about it.

We also help with intranets, dashboards, internal tools, video streaming and more.


Does your team need training with APIs, GraphQL, React, or other modern technologies? Are you looking at a cloud provider, like AWS or Google Cloud Platform? We work with many of the modern technologies, and we'll work with your team to get them up to speed and ready to write clean, resilient code, utilizing best practices.

We also help with Agile coaching, and Project Management, and we'll work alongside your managers to help them to work your engineers, POs, and Directors.

SEO Optimization and Solutions

Are you looking to optimize your SEO and Page Rank? Need to improve you Lighthouse score or page speed?

We build (and own) multiple web properties, and we can help you get your site in great shape for maximum exposure and monetization.

Ad Tech, CPM, RPM, Header Bidding

If you currently serve ads on your website, or are looking to monetize your app, we can help.

If you are a larger publisher, and are looking for ways to increase RPM on your inventory, we can help with that, too.

Photo by NordWood Themes on UnsplashPhoto by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

Mobile Apps (Coming Soon)

We're looking for Mobile App talent to add to our team! Stay tuned!

AI / ML / ChatGPT (Coming Soon)

AI, Machine Learning, Large Language Models (LLM) are here, and they are becoming a larger part of our tech ecosystem and world.

We're working on adding experienced talent to our team, and some incredible projects to our portfolio.

Let's Build Some Amazing Things

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