



Photo by Merakist on UnsplashPhoto by Merakist on Unsplash

We are a small, agile team, mostly based in the Dallas area. While we're happy to come work with you where you are, we are completely comfortable working remote (and in most cases, prefer to do so). We are Engineers, PMs, POs, Designers, QA, and SREs, and many of us have worked together for years in various capacities. While we're always looking to grow our team, we're more than happy to help you grow yours, whether that is training the staff you have, or helping to recruit.

Our focus is to help teams and businesses build amazing products and applications. From experience, we know that building amazing products means understanding the needs, and taking the effort to do it right the first time. Engineering is an iterative process, and sometimes we don't exactly know what we want until we get there. We'll work with you and your team to keep the project in scope, on track, and moving.

Our Values

  • At Specialized Matter, we believe that honesty, diversity, and trust matter.
  • We love new technology, but we also have tremendous respect for trusted solutions. There's a lot of wisdom in the tried and true.
  • Our clients place a lot of trust in us, and we place a lot of trust in our team. Since most projects we work on are complex in nature, we'll work with your team to simplify business needs, and work towards milestones that drive value in each step of the process.

Let's Build Some Amazing Things

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